Data Protection
(Concerning Law 5/2019, of 8 August, and the European Regulation 2016/679, of 27 April, on the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data).
- The entity responsible por personal data (hereinafter called “data”) processing regarding a certain personal data subject (hereinafter called “subject”) is Satfiel, Unipessoal, Lda.
- Data are processed as necessary to: (a) pre-contractual diligences requested by the subject; (b) contractual execution of services and/or sales of goods ordered by the subject or by an entity at his request or on his representation; (c) fulfillment of legal obligations; (d) pursuit of Satfiel legitimate interests.
As pursuit legitimate interests it is considered: (d1) those who aim continuous improvement, namely the collection of the subject’s opinion concerning services that were provided to him and/or goods sold to him; (d2) the fulfillment of Satfiel contractual obligations towards entities responsible for conditions of the service provided to the subject.
The non-supply of data prevents, correspondingly: (a) the accomplishment of pre-contractual diligences; (b and d2) the execution of services and/or the sales of goods; (c) law compliance. - Data are processed and stored informatically, aiming to be used for: law fulfillment, services provision, customer relation and evaluation of the quality of services provided, management of accounting, fiscal, administrative, human resources, legal and commercial related issues.
- Data to be collected or previously communicated to Satfiel by another company (typically the manufacturer or the brand holder of a certain device, insurance company or other entity with which the subject has an assistance contract or a contractual and/or legal right) belong to following categories: name, fiscal identification number, phone contacts, physical address, email address.
- Data can be transmitted to a third party, namely to the entity subcontracted to manage the storage of Satfiel informatic records and to the entities referred in the previous number with the purposes of, respectively, store the data and manage the service requested to Satfiel. Depending on the entity, this data transmission can have as destiny a third country or and international entity being able to exist or not, at the time of the transmission, an adequation decision adopted by the European Commission.
- Data are kept stored for different periods, depending on the purpose for which they are intended and according to legal, need and minimization of storage time criteria or until the subject exercises its right to object or erasure, always when those rights do not contradict the law.
- It is granted to the subject the right to access, rectification, object, erasure, restriction, and portability of its data. In case the subject has given its consent to the data processing for one or more specific purposes, it is granted to him the right to withdraw that consent at any time, without compromising the lawfulness of the previously given consent. The exercise of these rights can be requested to or to the postal address Avenida Zeferino de Oliveira, n.º 166, 4560-061 Croca, Penafiel.
- Without prejudice of the possibility of complaining to Satfiel, the subject can make a claim directly to the supervisory authority: The Portuguese data protection authority (CNPD).
Version 25/10/2022
HTTP cookies (also called web cookies, internet cookies, browser cookies or simply cookies) are small blocks of data created by a web server while a user browses a web page and placed on that user’s computer or other device, by the user’s browser. Cookies are placed on the device used to access the page and, during a session, more than one cookie can be placed on that device.
Cookies have useful and sometimes essential functions. They allow web servers to store stateful information (such as items added to the shopping cart at an online store) on the user’s device or track the user’s browsing activity (including clicking specific buttons, logging in or recording which pages were visited on the past). They can also be used to save information for subsequent use that the user has previously entered in form fields.
For more information or to set cookies click on the symbol or link in the bottom left corner of the page.
Version 24/08/2022